It all began with a family.

Shane & Krista Goutsis decided to start the Goutsisson Family Foundation after they were able to run a very successful Cornhole (Bean Bag Toss) Tournament in August of 2019. The 5C Event, Colon Cancer Charity Cornhole Classic, raised over $13,000 for Colon Cancer Research which was donated to the BC Cancer Foundation. After the tournament they decided that they wanted to build on that success and form a Foundation to help with raising awareness for Colorectal Cancer.

“We spoke to a representative of BC Cancer and they mentioned that Colon Cancer isn’t a ‘flashy’ charitable cause so because of that they don’t see as many donations towards the cause. This gave us more ammunition for starting our foundation”



Krista and Shane have a history of Colon Cancer in their families so naturally, this added to the development of the foundation. They were able to enlist the help of their friends and colleagues as members of the foundation and they are looking at different options for raising funds and awareness.

Since 2019, the Goutsisson Family Foundation has been able to raise over $45,000 through its 5C event (2019) and Tour the Tr-Cities Passport Program (2020 & 2021). We have also been able to secure a Self Matching Grant through the City of Port Coquitlam which will help with our foundation’s recognition while also providing some fun to the community (details will be released soon).

The goal of the Goutsisson Family Foundation is to turn our not-for-profit society into a charitable organization. Currently, we are working on building our foundation’s recognition within the community.

The foundation would like to be able to approach small and large business with the incentive of a charitable tax receipt in order to raise money. Although we are unable to offer charitable tax receipts, we believe that from a businesses point of view, there are lots of opportunities to “sponsor/ advertise” at one of our events.. The hope is that the foundation can develop an ongoing relationship with these business’ and when we are able to achieve charitable status, those business will continue to support us and our cause.


The purposes of the Society are:

a)  To provide public awareness of the prevalence of colorectal cancer and other related medical conditions, and treatment and prevention of colorectal cancer and other related medical conditions, by hosting annual events;

b)  To provide information to the public about colorectal cancer and other related medical conditions and available support resources through social media;

c) To support individuals and families affected by colorectal cancer and other related medical conditions; and

d) To receive and maintain a fund or funds, and to apply all or part of the principal and income therefrom, from time to time, to qualified donees as defined in subsection 149.1 (1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada).

 Are you looking to get involved? We’d love to have you on our team.

Get in touch with us to learn more about the Goutsisson Family Foundation works.